Weekly Photo Challenge: One Love

I haven’t done this challenge for a while. Actually I haven’t been blogging for awhile. My excuse: life got in the way. The reality: life got in the way. But this seemed such an appropriate one to do. And here is the picture I have chosen…


One day I might blog about the last few months of the gentleman on the left of this picture, and his valient battle with cancer. But for the moment the hole left by his death is too deep and raw.  Everyone of us at HQ has been affected. The humans who loved him unconditionally for the last 16 years of his life (he was about 3/4 when he came in from the cold); and the other animals with whom we share our lives. But the chap on the right – our Zorro – is suffering the most. They were inseparable companions… and his loss is palpable. He cries at night. He accepts fuss, when before he found it too undignified. He walks in and out of rooms – searching for his best friend. He is to put it bluntly: inconsolable.

They say: time is a great healer. But getting to that moment is hell.

For more takes on this challenge click  One Love